Saturday, October 29, 2011

One word communication


There's a GermanFest going on in Changi. There's gonna be alot of good
Noo.. There'll be music, German delights and German
Hahaha you ahh.
Will there be German boys?
Yes, very good looking young German guys. Then you can have their
There will be beer of course, but you can choose not to have them.
In the future can I marry a German guy?
Why, of course. Then everyday I can have 
German knuckles.
HAHAHAwhaaaat? And beer?
Well yes, and their beer.

"To Alcohol!"
-Homer Simpsons.

We weren't serious actually, but I know he is about the German Knuckles! HAHAHA my mum kept telling me,"Just do what you want okay? We have full confidence in you. We have full trust in you. Don't feel guilty about everything and start blaming yourself. Live life. Don't have to worry. We believe you're big enough to do what you think is right." But it actually made me feel worse. Because I am still planning to run away. But screw responsibility, I know I'll force myself to be stuck here for another five and a half years. 


It's the clear mind now that pujuk myself to just bear another six years. But I seriously don't know what am I gonna do when I'm not. Honestly, the one thing I'm worried about is the route I'll be taking alone every Monday night after my Kickboxing. That's one thing I can't promise myself. I don't know. I wanna go home with my parents tomorrow. I don't even feel like stepping into college anymore. I really want to leave this place. I'm really thinking of someplace already. WHY DO I HAVE SO MANY TIED DOWNS CONCERNING MONEY!? 

I know you don't really trust yourself now, Katrina.
But please believe this:
you SUCK.

Friday, October 28, 2011


Just two days. Crazy. Shocking. I really don't know what I just did. I got everyone worried. My parents had to rush here. Everyone's telling me I made a courageous move but I can't stop thinking this is stupid, I'm somehow already regretting it. Feels like I'm busted. Can't wait to leave here and start another life in a new place.

Screw this shit. I honestly don't feel any better.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Guilty Love

I've been away for awhile because I really don't know what I should or should not write at here and my facebook. I'm trying to refrain myself from updating negative posts but days had been shit so that pretty much explains why I end up deleting posts instead of publishing them. Nice, I'm planning to type a long one this time *wiggles*

Okay, honestly, I attempted suicide three times since I came here. No, nothing worked out because I'm still here typing THIS. Hahaha. First was an intended one but it wasn't a serious one. Hmm, I was feeling very robotic at that time and I seriously couldn't feel anything for almost a month. So it was more of like self torture to just check and see if I could feel any pain at least. I didn't but neither did I plan to carry on. Things got better then. I embraced the robotic feeling, telling myself it may be a good thing to feel that way.

The second and third happened at the same time, last Monday. It was just after Kickboxing, as usual, I was walking towards the bus stop alone. I stopped halfway at the bridge, about to climb and jump from there. I didn't feel any fear or consider the possibility of me regretting my action. My mind was just blank, and I just continued walking towards the bus stop. Then in the bus, I was then planning to straight go to East Coast Park, please don't ask me why there HAHAHA. I've been pretty much planning to drown myself for the past few days. I was really convinced that that's the most peaceful way to die and that's how I want to end my life. And I was pretty much smiling at the thought of it and there's this sudden gush of peacefulness surrounding me. I then tried to think will I have regrets and I thought No, I'm pretty much contented with my life. But then I was suddenly thinking, how do I know if it's time for me; the time I had was really enough. I wanted to pray and ask God but then I thought it'd be a stupid thing to pray about. I was mocking and being cynical to myself but then there's the other unseen yet seen part of me asking God that.

The next day, yesterday morning, I was waiting for my bus to come. Another bus came, I didn't notice it being in front of me but then suddenly there was this folded wheelchair in front of me. There's this middle aged guy trying to make it stop, while the other hand trying to assist his elderly mum down from the bus to the wheelchair. Not thinking much, I helped him to grab the wheelchair, opened it and held the handle while she's trying to sit on it. He gave me a warm smile and mouthed something. I was listening to songs as usual so I just assumed he thanked me HAHAHAHAwhadafak so I smiled back and said Sure. About five minutes later, I boarded the bus and suddenly this thought came to me. God is telling me this is just the beginning of my life journey, not the end! I remembered my goal of making a difference in the elderly care! So mm hmm, that's why I'm still here, living and breathing while praising the miracle answer from God! I guess this is really the first most obvious reply from Him. I do hear Him. Really. The feeling is just overwhelming.

This is the second week of my second semester, I'm still feeling nothing (no sense of pain, or guilt, or patience) but then there's no more thoughts of suicide. But still when I do think about death, especially onto myself, I don't feel the fear anymore, I still do think that it's something peaceful, just that I don't intend to act upon it that's all. ManMang said I look different after the holidays, like there's just something about me that's changed alot, but she did not elaborate and I don't want to ask hahaha and I'm not assuming anything.

Today's a Public Holiday, Em and I went to the beach. What we brought was epic. She brought a whole bottle of tanning lotion and I brought a whole bottle of whitening lotion. HAHAHAwhadafaak. We cycled for an hour and she was feeling sleepy and there was no Sun afterall so it pretty much killed our workout mood. We had McDonald's and I suddenly shouted Let's eat by the beach like our own mini picnic! And so we did! Found a nice spot and laid there.

I really like this picture of her!
Oh, and this is my mind twin, Emily.

But she fell asleep and I wanted to cycle, so I did. Halfway through it rained heavily so I took shelter at a small building. I stood alone at one side and there were others at the other side. I suddenly felt very happy seeing how heavy the rain was pouring because the female side of my brain was starting to direct a drama script like Dancing in the Rain and mushy stuff like that HAHAHA and I was still happily listening to songs while daydreaming that I did not realise the rain had subsided. Then there was this cute nerdish guy standing with his bike in front of me smiling and saying something that's inaudible to me. I unplugged my earphones and Hmm? Then he said, "Hi :D The rain has subsided. Wanna cycle back now? (: " So I said Okay, sure (: He waited as I hopped back on to my bicycle, then he helped me find the toilet because my shit is coming out real soon and I said okaythanksbye and overtook him and sped off to the toilet. End of drama. Ahh, drama came true! Hahaha

I was telling Emily that I actually let my guards down this time and just let it go with the flow but I found myself being the backup plan. Aww. But weirdly, the first word that came to my head was FREEDOM when I found out about it. Hahaha. Then the weird thing is that, this time, it actually gave me courage instead of the sense of wanting to give up thinking,"Heyy, I survived the second time, so it's nothing to me now. How worse can it get right?" Maybe this is karma so that's why I'm brushing it off so easily. So great, karma makes us bolder hahaha.

Shit happens. Embrace shit.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

She shakes the cage

Want something? Earn it.

Hahaha it's not as serious as it sounds.

My uncle isn't really happy about me going to the gym every day coz he said i wouldn't have the time to read the papers and may later neglect my studies. So I'd come home, rest, have dinner, revise my lectures, then head to the gym and before knocking to bed after my bath, I'd read the papers. Then at least it shows I have time for books and papers even if I go for my daily work out right? :D

Oh and guess what? I juuuust realized my school gives out free Today papers everyday! Hahaha but better late than never :p

So UH HUH (HAHAHAwhadaa) I started the habit of reading the news and I'm kinda shocked and disappointed with myself. I seriouuuusly didn't know this world is in such a messed up state. Thailand, China, Africa, Greece, Egypt. And all these while I've been conveniently ignorant about the world. And really, it was only today I knew what is ISA about :( arghhh, karrrtinaaa apasai Lu manyak Babi? It's really like 749372 bad news slamming at my face at one go.

I wanna help the world. How? Even my life goal to change nursing homes into a place where abuse and mistreatments are zerooo also tak tercapai lagi. And I only have a pair of hands. Those who happens to read this, I hope you guys would take the initiative to make the world a better place.

A pair of hands may seem impossible but imagine everyone in this world has the same thought and is willing to take the first brave step, who knows right?

"Be the lotus that grows in muddy water"


Saturday, October 15, 2011

Suck it and see

Call me crazy, this is what I want.

Carrying the new 'life motto', life has been so far so smooth. But then I just realised this morning, out of the blue, it had been smooth that I'm back to feeling pretty robotic. Negative thoughts and monologues are actually going through my mind. It's automatic. But don't worry, this still isn't a negative post because nothing happened. :D

Just that my brain amazes me sometimes.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


I was drinking my coconut drink halfway when I remembered something back when I was in Secondary 1 with my best friend. It was our first day of school and our class teacher was taking attendance. Everyone was present except two girls, who also happened to be our classmate from Primary 6. So our teacher asked," Those who knows them, do you know where are they?" My friend turned to me and said," They got into sekolah asrama.." and I decided to play a prank on her. I pretended to laugh and corrected her," It's ASMARA laa! Not Asrama!" And she terus shouted out loud," Ohh Cikgu! They're in sekolah asmara!"

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAwhadafaaaaaak. And until today, she's still my good friend. (:

Monday, October 10, 2011

My name is

I really want to make a difference, but with only a pair of hands, can I make it?


P/s: I've been feeling so pessimistic the previous weeks and it's time for me to get back on my hyperactive feet! HAHAHA *promises no more negative posts* :D

Friday, October 7, 2011


I came across a post saying that love really do comes when you least expect it.

Of all the days, I don't know why suddenly tonight it got me wondering: how will my real encounter be like?

I know this is awkward because I've never really thought about this but yeah, suddenly I'm curious to see how 'he' comes by. HAHAHA

But then again, uish. Something happened these few days and it got me pretty confused because I felt the awkward intensity. Damn it.