Sunday, April 10, 2011


In another two hours' time, I'll be leaving here. I'm starting to feel like a kid who just lost her blankie. My parents made the days rather annoying when I reached, now only when I'm about to go they start saying things that makes me feel dreadful. But I'm glad not even a part of me is saying, "I don't want to go." because this is a dream that I never thought would've happened. I'm even able to study in the college of my dreams, studying the course that I really love and enjoy even though a part of me will always be worrying about the money. Hahaha but like what my sister said, "God has decided that you're ready to go, so just do your part and leave the rest to Him. He will arrange everything."

Before this, I do believe the works of God but never in such a way that I really believe in Him so much especially when it comes to financial problems.. But this time, it's different. I keep seeing miracles and help coming from Him day by day. The feeling is indescribable. I just get stunned every second, smiling widely to myself. Hahaha :)

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