Sunday, April 10, 2011


I'm slowly 'digesting' to the fact that all these are really happening. From the day I got the offer until today, it had only been six days. I'm going to miss here and my colony of loud voiced good friends. Hahahaha :')

Jia Chee.
Yee Nee.
Ee Ling.
Lee Ee.
Siew Ching.
Chee Pei.

These are the friends I spent the most time with every single time I head home. But except Cindy, since she's doing matriculation in Perlis. (I think it's Perlis. HAHAHA) And these are the only friends that I really treasure so much. Oh, of course ada Soo Yen as well even though I hardly get to catch up with her but still, she has been really good and caring towards me. OH and Han Chee! I'm not really close with Han Chee but we hung out quite a number of times.

These are what I call real good hometown friends.

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