Friday, April 1, 2011


I was reading random blogs and this was what she typed that made me went WUUMEEKOOOT. "Don't make a girl fall for you if you have no intention to catch her." VOW! So KOOLIO. But from what I read, she broke up with her boiplen. AIGGGGH I didn't blog for so long that I somehow forgot how to write anything. I think I should go slowly, step by step, starting with brief descriptions of what happened lately.

Something is bothering me so bad that even when I dream, I only dream about that, and I wake up feeling worried and terrified. Then I hardly get to have a proper sleep. Constant headache and gastric. DOOOOOD why am I so good at whining now? :'( I believe this is one of the lowest point of my life -.- But on the brighter side, since now it's my downfall, the next turn will most probably be a good one! :D

I find myself constantly calling annoying females 'buffalo' :0

And I hope the next post will be a better one. :D

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